As sister pieces to the 2023 West Point Ring Catalog, I created banners and other collateral for an onsite event that Herff Jones hosted for in-person orders. Additionally, it was determined that the order forms from previous years were in need an update both for accuracy and aesthetics, so I overhauled those along with a 9x12 envelope, cover letter, contracts, and instruction sheet.
Onsite Order Event Collateral

24x36 Poster

33.5x90.5 Retractable Banner

33.5x90.5 Retractable Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

31.5x74.5 X-Frame Banner

8x8 Foot Backdrop
Forms & Envelope

9x12 Envelope

Packet Cover Letter

Cadet Ring Step-by-Step

Official Ring Order Form

Official Accessories Order Form

Battle Ring Order Form

Ring Contract