This map was built to serve as the lair of undead giant lich, and was part of a 3-year campaign using the Worlds Without Number fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. See below for more info & close-up detail images.

This map was the culmination of the party's slow exploration of a long-abandoned magical academy that was hidden inside a mountain. A cinematic moment occurred as they entered, and from there I wasn't sure what would happen. I run games in a very sandbox style, where there are no predetermined outcomes or right answers, so it was up to my players to decide how they wanted to confront the lich sitting on the grand throne. Ultimately, they decided an alliance was the answer, rather than combat.
At 100x100 grid squares (representing 500 by 500 feet), it's a massive map, which was in large part a goal of its own. I wanted the sprawling chapel with its pillars, pews, and crystals to be somewhat reminiscent of the Dwarrowdelf in Moria (from The Lord of the Rings). Inspiring awe was just as important as serving as a possible battleground. To the left the of the chapel is a large library, as well as a magical orrery that allowed interplanar travel, and some related offices and studies. On the right side of the chapel were the crypts, ossuaries, and embalming chambers for the dead that were dedicated to this chapel's god.
Once it was finally complete, the map was imported into Foundry VTT, my personal favorite option for running tabletop RPGs virtually.
This map was created using Dungeondraft and primarily using assets by Forgotten Adventures, although a sprinkling of assets by Tom Cartos and from the (now defunct) Dundjinni forums were utilized as well. Created for personal use only.

Lich's Throne & Chapel Altar

Embalming Chamber

Study & Summoning Circle