RedStar Bank was built to serve as the target site for a kidnapping in a 2-year campaign using the Stars Without Number sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game. It was later recycled in a separate SWN game to serve as a site where mercenaries had taken hostages. See below for more info & static images.
Both versions of this map featured a helipad, upper level offices, and ground floor with lobby, vault, and offices. The clean version also featured a secret hallway leading to a large elevator, which concealed an underground facility for developing a powerful AI core. This map was 50 x 70 grid squares (representing 100 by 140 meters), and set up to allow any number of different approaches by my players. I run games in a very sandbox style, where there are no predetermined outcomes or right answers, so I wasn't certain how my players would enter the bank or bypass security. 
Redstar Bank was one of the last battlemaps I made in Photoshop before transitioning to Dungeondraft, and while I learned most of the fundamentals by this point, I was starting to run up against the limits of my asset library, which was cobbled together from sources across the internet and lacked consistency. 
This map was created using Photoshop and primarily using assets from the (now defunct) Dundjinni forums,, Sketchfab, as well as from David HemenwayMilosh--Andrich, XCOM 2, and Mass Effect: Andromeda. Created for personal use only.
Clean Version, Ground Level
Clean Version, Ground Level
Mercenary Version, Ground Level
Mercenary Version, Ground Level
Clean Version, Second Level
Clean Version, Second Level
Mercenary Version, Second Level
Mercenary Version, Second Level
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